• “Successful Search and Placement!”
    • 12 CD, 24 module series by Larry Nobles, acclaimed industry trainer. From basic desk organization and planning through marketing, recruiting, de-briefing, client development, closing and more. Turn “drive time” into “learning time”. A strong foundation for new people.Why Larry Nobles?Content!Larry Nobles BiographyClick here to order
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    • “Turbulent Times! A Manager’s Guide to Navigating Difficult Markets”
    • Five-volume 5-hour CD series on how to deal with a slow market. How to position yourself, diversify your firm, contain costs, accumulate cash reserves, motivate staff in a slow market and more. Based on interviews with scores of experienced managers who have survived and prospered during many previous downturns. Suitable for managers only.
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For Complete Information Contact:
Placement Marketing Group
P.O. Box 410412
St. Louis, MO 63141
(314) 991-3177

11330 Olive Blvd. | Suite 100 | St. Louis, MO 63141 USA | p.314-991-3177